A 30 Day Guided Transformation

Join Megan Rose Lane on a journey of deep self-discovery. Unravel the stories that have been keeping you stuck, and step into the new reality that's waiting for you.

A 30 Day Guided Transformation


Join Megan Rose Lane on a journey of deep self-discovery.Unravel the stories that have been keeping you stuck, and step into the new reality that's waiting for you!

Did you know that only 1% of people take inspired action to change their reality?


You're reading this because your soul has guided you here, whispering that it's time for genuine change.

You're not stuck. I promise.

This false story you hold about being 'stuck' is actually the very thing that's keeping you trapped in a cycle of frustration.

Here's the truth: You have SO much choice. That's the gift of being human, and being free. Every single day, you have the power to take your life in a completely different direction.










It's A No Brainer









Let's do this!

This could be you...



You're done with feeling stuck, lost & frustrated.

You're craving change, and you're excited to take bold action.

You are being called into stillness, self-reflection and healing.

You're ready to let of stagnant energy and begin your beautiful rebirth.

I'm Ready Now


A 30 Day Experience for DEEP Transformation

  • Weekly Videos with Meg 
  • 4 Powerful Workbooks
  • 4 Life Changing Meditations
  • Guided Burn Ceremony
  • Embodiment and Integration Practices
  • IG Accountability Stories (optional)
  • Lifetime access to all of this magic! 
Gimme Gimme

Do you desire…


 ○ To feel excited waking up in the morning with deep gratitude for life

○ A real sense of clarity around who you are and what you want out of life. 

○ Goals that feel inspiring, motivating and achievable.  

○ A deep sense of alignment, ease and flow. 

○ A beautiful sense of direction as you move forward with confidence. 

○ Power over your life, your choices and your story.

○ The freedom which allows you to think bigger and play bigger

○ The energy and vitality to take inspired action towards your dreams.

○ To feel joy, to dance, deep belly laugh and relax - trusting that the Universe has your back. 

○ DEEP satisfaction for your juicy life that's overflowing with abundance and purpose.

I would love to create this life

Are these the patterns you're ready to let go of?


 ○ You're drained, tired and unmotivated. 

○ You feel as though you are aimlessly wandering through life with no direction. 

○ You're a master at procrastinating and putting off tasks and projects... even the simplest tasks feel hard to complete.

○ Your mind feels like spaghetti; cluttered, busy and confused.

○ You're tired of trying to keep up, but getting nowhere. 

○ You just need some space and time to breathe, but can't remember the last time you sat in silence. 

○ You're lost in comparison which fuels your lack of motivation and self-doubt.

○ You reaaally want change but it feels scary, overwhelming and unrealistic.

In these painfully sticky seasons of life that make you feel so powerless, you just want someone to take you by the hand and show you what to do.


You want to get out of the mess; you crave clarity, you'd do anything to feel motivated and inspired again...

You. Just. Can't. Move.

You don't know where to start. You don't even know what you want, or who the fuck you are anymore.

Trust me. I get it. 

I've been there, more than once. I've had to claw my way out of the deepest, darkest holes of self-doubt and procrastination.

But I'll tell you something that I absolutley know to be true...

There is magic in this part of your story. 

It might not feel like it right now, but I promise you'll see it once you're through this chapter and onto the next.

There is something powerful about feeling the way you do right now. Because you end up getting so sick of your own shit; so tired of Groundhog Day, that you're left with no choice but to dig deep, reclaim your power and finally rewrite your story.

This Is EXACTLY What I Need



Imagine 30 days from now, looking back & feeling so grateful you took the leap...


This discount ends in...









Take the leap...


One Time Payment

  • Weekly Videos with Meg 
  • 4 Powerful Workbooks
  • 4 Life Changing Meditations
  • Guided Burn Ceremony
  • Embodiment and Integration Practices
  • Community Group Support
  • Lifetime access to all of this magic! 

Need a payment plan? We got you. Click here.

Join Now

Some Amazing Testimonials...


I trust the timing of my life. I remain patient and know that the power to change my reality is in my hands. Everything is unfolding in perfect order. 

There will many times in your life where your instincts tell you to do something, something that feels right in your soul - but your fearful mind will come up with all sorts of logical excuses to hold you back and keep you in the illusion of safety. Listen to your instincts and ignore the rest. Take the leap. Just go for it. Your soul is ready.

I'm doing this for me